Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Hey Ya'll! I'm Sister Morgan Rebecca Wright! This is my journey as I serve a eighteen month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints in the Alaska Anchorage Mission. This blog has my weekly emails and photos along with my contact information so that I can write and send letters and emails but also anyone can write me!

I will be in the Alaska Anchorage Mission. But Anchorage is the ONLY mission in Alaska... Which means my mission covers ALL of Alaska and the Ukon Territories of Canada! Right now I'm not sure where I'll be at in Alaska! I will know on August 4th when I fly to Alaska from the MTC in Provo Utah!

I am full of emotions! I am very excited, anxious, nervous, and scared! It's a new place and it's a new chapter of my life that I don't know the outcome! I'm mostly nervous because I'm from Georgia so I don't know what it's like to be cold and what snow really looks like! Although, I did go to college in Utah for a year but the snow and cold didn't count at all!! I also have never seen a bear or a moose before in the wild and I hear they are everywhere! So, it's pretty exciting but scary!

The things I'm looking forward to the most is seeing the Northern Lights if I am in a area where I can see them, I'm excited to see the land but most importantly I'm thrilled to share the message of Christ! There are so many people out in this world who don't know his name! I'm excited to share his name with the people I meet!

A dear friend of mine shared with me that the work never stops and that I was going to do great things in Alaska. I hope she was right.

D&C 4:3
"If ye have desire to serve God ye are called to the work"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Hey Ya'll!! So I am alive! Today is my pday and I am so excited! I think I should started by saying that I miss you all! And that my week went like this!!

Wednesday after my mom dropped me off I didn't cry at all!! I wanted to make a good first impression! Just like Rachel Berry said,"First impressions are important so are metaphors." I went to meet my companion Sister Sierra Lyn Johnstun! She is wonderful!! I have never laughed so hard in my laugh! We get along great!! 

Wednesday to Sunday was a blur I am not going to lye it was so busy and over whelming. I wanted to just leave. I haven't even unpacked yet. I am ready for Alaska. 

The MTC.. is really hard. I am not going to make it sound like its a wonderful place. It's like spiritual jail. The food... I got sick the first day I ate it and have been throwing up it's really gross. It's like a big babysitting company.  It sucks. HAHA!! The showers.... well lets just say I screamed the first night because there was like a giant spider in my shower!! I flipped out!! I am also sleeping on the top bunk and I fell off my bed which I woke everyone up and I cried. But that's okay! I have been rooming with Sister Fetui and Sister Hall they are both 20. They are so sweet! Sister Fetui and I are pretty close! She was inactive her whole life and is now on a mission! So we are super close and she is so easy to talk to! 

Our district is amazing! Sister Johnstun and I are the only sisters headed to Alaska with 6 other Elders! We are so blessed to have them!! They take such good care of us! they make sure we are okay, they ask if we need a blessing, they pray with us when we need it and the sit with us at every single meal!! They are always making us laugh and feeling so amazing!! They complement us and they are just wonderful men!! We are so blessed!! 
We have Elder Presley who looks like Zac Efron. We have Elder Hinkley from Ohio who is tall and so kind! He always opens the door for us! We have Elder Garver who is so spiritual! We have Elder Minton who is so quite but when you talks he is so funny! And then we have Elder Timous who is out in lift field when everyone is at home base! Then we have Elder Winslow! He is so awesome! We have all become best friends but Elder Winslow is like the best friend! We can talk to everyone in our district about anything and everything! We are way to close but we all get along and we balance each other out which is wonderful! We are the closest district ever!! We all play basketball together! Sister Johnstun and I look like a deer in the headlights when we play but "Our Elders" include us in so much!! 

So yesterday/ Monday was wonderful It was great!!! Sister Johnstun and I have been in a mood where we don't cry but we laugh. We laughed all day yesterday! Our Elders had to pray for us and everything! It was so ridiculous! Adjusting to missionary life is hard and everyone adjusts to it in a different way. I don't want to cry but I laugh. I laugh because I am frustrated and stressed and I am over whelmed. So yesterday Sister Johnston and I role played and taught in investigator/ our teacher named Rob. The lesson was going wonderful! I was teaching about Joseph Smith and I look over and Sister Johnstun is laughing so hard she is crying so I start to laugh and cry! It was so bad!! Our teacher was just looking at us so we ended on that note with a prayer. It was awful! HAHA! That night we had a real investigator who is Sarah! She is so much fun! We love her! She is very sassy and doesn't hold anything back! We walked in the room and Sarah just askd us a whole bunch of questions not about the church about about us and our life. We got to know each other which was great! We didn't even get a chance to pray. But we are teaching Sarah again tomorrow which is great and also Rob!  

Today is my Pday so I am emailing, doing laundry and getting a hair cut. I am only getting a trim to cut my dead ends off! So as Sister Johnstun and I were doing laundry. Sister Johnston lost her planner. Turns out she washed it in the washer with all her clothes. So her clothes are ruined because of the paper and ink all over them.  We are going to the temple today as a district because we do everything together! And then tonight we are just going to have a meeting with our branch presidency. 

It will be a great day! 

I could really use the prayers to get through this week. I leave for Alaska on Monday!! I am so excited! But the MTC is super hard. It's over whelming so please pray for me but my district as well! 

Thank you so much MOM for the dear elder letters! Thank you so much Marissa for your letter I cried and one letter is coming to you!! Also, thank you Hammond family for the dear elder as well! But thank you EMILY/ SISTER WRIGHT for the package of food and diet coke you sent!! 

I love you all!! 

Sister Morgan Rebecca Wright 

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